Amanda Mattingly

Amanda Mattingly

Amanda Mattingly



Amanda Mattingly  is currently a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Kentucky (LMT) and a Certified Massage Therapist for the state of Indiana (CMT). She decided to go to school for massage therapy in 2007.  She was working as a 911 dispatcher and  wanted to help people more, not just on their worst days. She graduated from  The Louisville School of Massage in Louisville, KY. Her training there was 750 hours. The school focused a great deal on medical and therapeutic massage. She is a big believer that  massage is not just a  back rub, nor is it just a "luxury" It's so much more than that. Massage can be just for relaxation or for a  injury to increase range of motion (ROM) and decrease pain. She has  had the privilege to work with cancer patients, some of the benefits for them was diminished stress, decreased pain, improved moods. She has always loved helping people and making a difference in their life, massage allows her to help people wind-down and take a minute for themselves. While on the table you can relax  and clear your mind even if for only a hour. Using her hands as well as her heart, she helps her clients relax and bring them back to a world where life is manageable. When a client gets off her table they not only feel relaxed but refreshed and recharged. Mental and physical pain can take a toll on our body and being able to help ease this pain is why she went to massage school. She not only wants to help you recharge and relax she wants to help you take care of your body. Because it you don't take care of your body who's going to?

If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won't have to hear it scream!

Aromatherapy Body Treatments / Body Wraps Bodywork Bodywork/Movement Education & Somatics Chair Massage Geriatric Massage Vacuum Cupping Massage Therapy Deep Tissue Massage Massage Cupping / Vacuum Cupping Medical Massage Swedish Massage Trigger Point Therapy Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy Bamboo Therapy Compassionate Touch Deep Tissue Integration Facial Massage Fibromyalgia Hot Stone Therapy Infant Massage Instruction Lymph Drainage Lymphatic Massage Muscle Energy Techniques On-Site Massage Oncology Massage Orthopedic Massage Pediatric Massage Therapy Sports Massage Stress Relief Structural Integration Therapeutic Massage Trauma Therapy Trauma Touch

Amanda Mattingly

Shepherdsville, KY