Beth Adelsperger

Beth Adelsperger

Beth Adelsperger


Hi!  I'm Beth.  I Love using my hands for healing and healing comes about on many different levels.  That is why I am interested in and utilize hands on massage therapy as well as subtle energy work, currently in the form of Reiki and Chakra Balancing & Gemstones.  

At present, I am looking for clients for whom I can help using therapeutic massage, whether it simply be for relaxation and stress relief or for some type of specific issue such as restriction in range of motion (soft tissue related) or pain in the body somewhere that just won't go away.  I have quite a few techniques in my massage toolbox such as Trigger Point, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue and Integrated Techniques to re-educate the muscle and re-pattern the nervous system. And I'm always learning more as I go along.

I am also looking for clients who would like to explore what Reiki can do for you.  Reiki is phenomenal for balancing mental and emotional processes.  However, I am not a counselor or psychiatrist so Reiki will compliment NOT take the place of therapy for complicated issues.  I have also witnessed Reiki assisting with pain as well.

My passion with Reiki lies in the spiritual aspect of it.  Reiki can help us connect with our Divine Nature.  And I believe true healing can occur on all levels when we allow ourselves to live as the Divine Being that we truly are!

So hop on over to my website for more information.  I truly look forward to hearing from you!  Namaste  heart


Therapeutic Massage Integrative Massage Deep Tissue Massage Trigger Point Therapy Swedish Massage Relaxation Massage Chair Massage Reiki Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Stress Relief Massage Therapy

Beth Adelsperger

Colorado Springs, CO