Helen Chavez

Helen Chavez

Helen Chavez



Massage has served me well for over 20+years. Establishing connections with peoples body and spirits.  Such a gift for me to have the opportunity to observe healing through the comfort and love of touch.  I learned how to accept healthy intimacy through touch and nuture self care in myself and others. Established new boundaries and body awareness and establish a voice able to say yes or no. Recognising that self care is always work. but is filled with joyful benefits. It is comon to work with someone feeling pain or tightness in thier neck and back due to stress, lack of sleep or over worked muscles. Massage flushes the tight muscles and loosens the tendons, increasing movement in joint.


Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage Stress Relief Integrative Massage Swedish Massage Sports Massage Oncology Massage Massage Therapy Pediatric Massage Therapy Aromatherapy Spa Massage Trauma Touch

Helen Chavez

821 Nashua ST Ste B
La Habra, CA 90631