Julie Jelsma

Julie Jelsma

Julie Jelsma



Restorative Medical Massage Clinic providing Advanced Rehab Medical Massage

Specializing in injury and surgery recovery & prevention as well as stress mediation while restoring energy to the body.

Office Hours:  I am happy to provide bodywork "By appointment only" as I do not have an answering service or receptionist at this time.

Julie Jelsma has been doing massage since October 2000 and connective tissue & fascia alignment with the Rolf Method of Structural Integration since February 2001. With many other techniques such as the neurological release for pain & tension of the (Bowen) Neural Touch, the clinical & osteopathic massage techniques used in the Advanced Medical Massage and the stress relieving & pain resolving techniques of the ETPS equipment, there are many therapies in which clients have reached a balanced, pain-free lifestyle. Contact me for more info.

My bodywork practice at the Restorative Medical Massage Clinic has focused on rehabilitative techniques for recovery from pain syndromes (ie. fibromyalgia, scoliosis & other spinal deviations, TMJ disorders, sciatica, job related repetitive stress disorders etc.) and rehab techniques after injuries & surgeries.  Also, many yoga instructors & students, cyclists & other athletes as well as persons with physical careers come for better flexibility & mobility and for injury prevention. 

I provide an open schedule between my two loves...bodywork & design...both located at 750 Main St, Suite 104 in Grand Junction CO 81501 in the Factory Building. I am especially available with 24 - 48 hours notice. Thank you! 

Medical Massage Integrative Massage Structural Integration Swedish Massage Massage Therapy

Julie Jelsma

750 Main ST # 104
Grand Junction, CO 81501

Julie Jelsma

610 1/2 26 1/2 RD
Grand Junction, CO 81506