Kristen Hockney

Kristen Hockney

Kristen Hockney


“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

-Maya Angelou

In addition to being a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Myoskeletal Therapist in Posture and Pain, I also have a BA in Health Care Administration from Stonehill College and received a Master Certificate in Business Analysis through Villanova University.

After incorporating massage into my personal maintenance program many years ago and seeing the benefits in my athletic performance, stress management and overall wellbeing, I asked myself: “how can I help other people truly understand how beneficial this work is?”  The answer for me was to learn the work, get certified, promote it and practice it! And so I did...

One of my goals as your practitioner is to provide a comfortable and safe environment where you and I work together to develop a session tailored to your needs.  I want to provide you with an opportunity to feel your best by hearing your story and understanding what it is that will guide you in feeling relaxed and rejuvenated in order to face your challenges with a little more ease and comfort.

Over time, repetitive behaviors can cause patterns of tension and discomfort.  By taking a holistic approach to each session, I integrate various techniques to make the connections that will leave you feeling balanced.

Maybe you’ve never had a massage before and you have lots of questions.  That’s ok, I did too.  Part of having a great session is about building a trusting client/practitioner relationship. I’d love to hear your thoughts and I’ll do my best to answer any questions you have.

If you’re reading this, please ask yourself if there is anything holding you back from receiving this work.  Remember, you’re worth it and your body will thank you.

I’m excited to share in your journey of getting you where you want to be!

Myoskeletal Alignment Technique Massage Therapy Neuro-Muscular Therapy Trigger Point Therapy Polarity Therapy Deep Tissue Massage Sports Massage Myofascial Release Swedish Massage

Kristen Hockney

Kingston, MA