Laura Scott

Laura Scott

Laura Scott



It has been my pleasure to share the therapeutic touch of massage therapy in Sonoma County for over 2 decades.

I have special training in Skin Rolling(Rolling Chua Ka) since 2007 and have been performing the Benedetta Wholistic Facial since 2001. 

From 2018 I have received certification in Biofield Tuning; advanced training; which uses specialized tuning forks in the field around the body and on the body to bring about deep relaxation, assist in removal of dissonance & tension, increasing clarity, lightness & balance. People report becoming "more of who they truly are" as beliefs, patterns & unhelpful behaviors slough off when they are no longer needed.

Massage Therapy Reiki Stress Relief Aromatherapy Acupressure Deep Tissue Massage Swedish Massage Hot Stone Therapy

Laura Scott

Petaluma, CA

Laura Scott

Santa Rosa, CA