Vylia Linda Tofle

Vylia Linda Tofle

Vylia Linda Tofle



I specialize in Rosen Method Bodywork, which uses gentle touch and verbal dialog to bring non-judgmental awareness to unconscious patterns of tension in your body. This work may help you feel more energy, freedom, and wholeness. It’s a great adjunct to talk therapy.

I also offer gentle myofascial facilitation and therapeutic massage to help you relieve pain and stress. The slow pace of my work invites your body to let go of unneeded tension in its own timing, so you may feel more ease and rest.

My work may be helpful for these conditions:

  • Chronic pain
  • Stress / Anxiety
  • Depression / Grief
  • CPTSD / Inherited trauma

My intention is to create a safe and compassionate trauma-informed space, where all bodies and orientations are welcome.

Rosen Method Massage Therapy Energy Work

Vylia Linda Tofle

Seattle, WA