Rachel Lauderbaugh

Rachel Lauderbaugh

Rachel Lauderbaugh


Rachel holds a 200 Hour-RYT certification with Yoga Alliance. While she is working towards furthering her certification level, she is attending as many yoga trainings as she can squeeze into her schedule. Since completing her training in February of 2014 she has continued her Svadhyaya (Self Study through Yoga) with:
iRest Teacher Training   ( will be completed 28 January 2018)    
Yoga Fit, Teacher Training-Yoga for Trauma    
October 2014
Certified Warriors at Ease, Teacher Training - 1, 2A,2B, 3 

As you might notice from the courses she has taken, her main focus and passion is helping traumatized humans and Veterans heal through Yoga and Meditation. Rachel returned from her month in India with Global Yoga Shala, with a true passion for teaching Yoga. This journey started In Germany , took her to Anchorage, Alaska. Where she taught Veterans, outdoor enthusiasts and anyone interested in Yoga. Her teaching style encourages students to find their own practice and pace.  She  teaches iRest ©, Hatha, Restorative, Yin, Yoga Nidra, and meditation. Her current path took her to Boulder, Colorado where she just graduated from Rolfing structural Integration school. Check out her website iryinsideout.com or the schools website rolf.org for more information

Rolfing Meditation Yoga

Rachel Lauderbaugh

Longmont, CO