Carol Heller

Carol Heller

Carol Heller


My name is Carol Heller and I've been a practicing licensed massage therapist in the state of CT for 29 years. I attended CT Center for Massage Therapy 30 years ago and was blessed to be taught by some of the best teachers, doctors and practitioners in the northeast. I love what I do and enjoy helping my clients attain their goals for wellbeing-both physically and emotionally. I practice without an agenda for you. I listen to your concerns and address them with you as a team. My deep tissue approach isn't painful but it is very effective. I work gently at first gaining your trust and that of your tight muscles and work down a layer at a time until I reach to area causing you discomfort and then I apply trigger point work. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you. I look forward to helping you achieve the relief you are looking for!

Massage Therapy Deep Tissue Massage Relaxation Techniques Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage Trigger Point Therapy Therapeutic Massage

Carol Heller

Meriden, CT

Carol Heller

2702 Whitney Ave
Hamden, CT 06518