Colette Fontana

Colette Fontana

Colette Fontana



After practicing massage therapy for over 30 years, I have acquired the skills and techniques that allow me to resolve your issues, using gentle and painless techniques.  My philosophy is "why hurt someone to make them better, when I can do so without causing additional trauma!"  Some of my techniques can be done fully-clothed, and only take a few minutes before expiencing long-lasting relief.  Once the pain or restriction is gone, you can then enjoy a nice soothing massage session and go home relaxed and pain free!

Massage Therapy Bowen Therapy / Bowtech / Bowenwork Lymphatic Massage Relaxation Massage Lomilomi Massage Reflexology Reiki Master Facial Massage Neuro-Muscular Therapy Lypossage Lymph Drainage Stress Relief Swedish Massage Craniosacral Therapy Deep Tissue Massage

Colette Fontana

10225 Ulmerton Rd Ste 7B
Largo, FL 33771