Denise Lane

Denise Lane

Denise Lane


After practicing massage for many years, a client walked in one day with a brochure. She heard about this thing called Bowen and thought it might be good for her condition. I asked why she didn't go to the person named on the brochure. She said she wanted me to learn Bowen, so she could come to me. It was a humbling moment.
In 2007, I began to learn Bowenwork. A new world was opened to me. I am continually grateful to that client for her request. Bowen has helped so many people, through so many hands. It is awe inspiring to me.
I am registered as a Professional Bowenwork Practitioner and am certified in Bowenwork special procedures I & II. In addition to Bowenwork for human beings, I trained in Cat and Canine Muscle Release Therapy, a.k.a. Bowen for small animals with Tina Spurling.
I also teach Taiji, Qigong and Meditation. I offer Intuitive Readings as well.
Other qualifications and trainings:
Reiki Master
NCBTMB Board Certified
1000 hours at Potomac Massage Therapy Institute
100 hours at Mueller College of Massage
Esoteric Healing I & II with IHRN
Energy Healing with Openway Healing School
Level II (Advanced) certification in Medicinal Aromatherapy
240+ hours in continuing education
Raindrop technique
Tai Chi Yang Style, Tai Chi sword, Staff, Xing-I, Bagua,
Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall prevention.




Bowen Therapy / Bowtech / Bowenwork Aromatherapy Chakra Balancing Energy Healing Fibromyalgia Meditation Qigong Raindrop Technique Reiki Master Relaxation Techniques Tai Chi Yoga

Denise Lane

Durango, CO