Giselle Guzman

Giselle Guzman

Giselle Guzman



As a massage practitioner, my focus is on medical and therapeutic types of massage, specifically John Barnes Myofascial Release. We each come to the table with different needs, so please don't hesitate to communicate with me! I am also passionate about the pursuit of continued education through reading, taking classes, and following relevant research and peers in the field. It is my sincere hope that my clients get the best possible treatment and feel the consistency of my endeavors in each massage they receive.

Although I am a massage therapist, my primary role is as a healer. It is my belief that massage should be accessible to all. I welcome individuals of every body type, physical abilities, and emontional needs. In that spirit, I pledge to treat to treat all my clients with the utmost respect and compassion. I am currently based in Alexandria, Virginia. 

I am not taking any new clients at this time. If you previously worked with me at OTMC, please feel free to email at or call me. I would love to hear from you, even if you are putting safety (or budget!) first and would rather wait to receive. 

Myofascial Release Connective Tissue Massage Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage Post-Natal Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Sports Massage Neuro-Muscular Therapy Medical Massage Lymph Drainage Reflexology Compassionate Touch Chair Massage On-Site Massage

Giselle Guzman

Alexandria, VA