Lois Harrison

Lois Harrison

Lois Harrison



Wellness is a state of being. Lois Harrison started Bright Moments wellness iduring 2002 in Princeton, NJ to assionately share with others the healing arts she has studied worldwide on her own journey back to wellness. There are many doorways "into" the body. Lois integrates physical, acoustical and energetic bodywork addressing the priorities of the client while working with the whole person: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Results-oriented therapeutic modalities can be experienced separately or woven together synergistically to dissolve pain, tension and dis-ease caused by stress and injury. abring your body, mind and spirit back to a state of wholeness!



Sound Therapy Massage Therapy Myofascial Release Neuro-Muscular Therapy Therapeutic Massage Sports Massage Shiatsu

Lois Harrison

Princeton, NJ