Shane Selby

Shane Selby

Shane Selby



My name is Shane Selby, LMT, CLT.

As a Licensed Massage Therapist, I am dedicated and committed to providing you with exceptional care. Rather than focus on one type (Modality) of massage, I work with you to determine the best course of treatment necessary to help facilitate your healing process. In every session, I will utilize a combination of the following modalities:

- Reiki,
- Therapeutic Massage,
- Trigger-Point,
- Swedish (Relaxation) Massage,
- Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder Technique),
To help relieve the aches, pains, & stress of every day life - While promoting better health!!

I have advanced training in
- Oncology Massage (Massage for cancer patients and cancer survivors)!

I'm also a
- Certified Lymphedema Therapist


I work with...

The Phoenix Massage Clinic

200 Donelson Pike

Nashville, TN 37214

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Massage Therapy Reiki Master Therapeutic Massage Lymph Drainage Trigger Point Therapy Swedish Massage Reiki Oncology Massage

Shane Selby

Nashville, TN