Emily Crow Christensen

Emily Crow Christensen

Emily Crow Christensen



You only get one body, mind, and spirit.  If you don't take care of them now- in the present- you are allowing your body, mind or spirit to deteriorate- to weaken.  Sure you can put off an oil change for your car as long as you want, but at some point your car will break down and you'll have to buy a new one.  You can't buy a new body.  You can't buy a new mind or spirit- and once those are broken they are almost impossible to fix or heal.  Don't let yourself get to that point.  Take care of your body and it will take care of you.  Invest in your health.  Invest in your future.

Energy Healing Reiki Reiki - Seichem Chakra Balancing Meditation Energy Work Aromatherapy Bodywork Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage Post-Natal Massage Deep Tissue Massage Trigger Point Therapy Polarity Therapy Facial Massage Relaxation Massage Therapeutic Massage Massage Therapy Spa Massage On-Site Massage

Emily Crow Christensen

Bonney Lake, WA