Dynamic Spinal Therapy
Dynamic spinal therapy was developed by Rolf Ott in Rapperswil, Switzerland, in the 1980s. The technique works with the body’s posture and energetic (acupuncture) system and consists of three parts:
- The ear reflexology test comes from France and Germany and is a form of ear acupuncture. The ear provides information about the body’s energetic state. A therapy stylus is pressed along specific lines, some of which are more sensitive than others and provide the therapist information. Acupuncture meridian harmonization balances the energetic system. The focus is on chi flow to stimulate the personal healing process. With the therapy stylus, certain meridians are traced on the skin surface.
- In the second part, the pelvis is checked while being rotated, and specific stretches are applied.
- Afterward, the client lies face down on the Swiss therapeutic cushion, resting like a person floating in water. This position offers complete relaxation. The body is gently rocked in several different ways, the gentle rhythmic motion prompting relaxation and inducing trust. The just-stretched muscles get reprogrammed, and the rocking moves the joint helping to build them.
The therapy is applied for joint problems, migraines, arthritis, foot conditions lumbago, herniated disks, spinal nerve irritations, scoliosis, sciatica, psychological problems, stress, and many more. A treatment usually takes 30-40 minutes.