Taikyo Shiatsu
Taikyo shiatsu is a style using ancient Taoist yin/yang and taijiquan principles combined with the gentle stretching of Zen shiatsu.
From the Eastern perspective, this shiatsu focuses on stretching and palming the meridians, opening channels to induce flow of stagnated energies, and supplying circulation (oxygenated blood) to the organs. The application of the Taoist principles enables the therapist to generate and utilize optimum energy to perform the shiatsu efficiently.
From the Western perspective, stretching increases bone, sinews, and muscle flexibility and enhances mobility.
A unique wave technique—visualizing the energy as an ocean wave forming (potential), reaching the highest crest, falling (kinetic), and expanding (distribution)—is used in this modality. Qigong breathing from the hara, or dantien, is one of the keys to generating efficient energy output.
Taikyo shiatsu emphasizes philosophy, traditional Chinese medicine, essentials, breathing, and taijiquan postural efficiency. The following Taikyo essentials achieve optimum shiatsu efficiency and transmission as well as distribution of energy:
- Spirit: state of being.
- Intent: volition or plan of action.
- Calm: state of mental stillness to perceive.
- Posture: proper body positioning for optimum operational efficiency.
- Presence: the sum of the previous above essentials.
- Intuition: ability to perceive.
- Breathing: qigong mode.
- Simplicity: unpretentiousness.