UNTIE was developed in the United States in the early 1980s as an alternative to exerting force into soft tissues that may already be painful to the touch. It is basic to UNTIE that soft-tissue dysfunction, no matter how deep within the body, can be felt in the skin, and these patterns of dysfunction are palpable once the proper awareness and sensitivity have been developed.

Changes in the patterns of dysfunction are stimulated by the presence of the practitioner’s fingers and determined by the body’s natural desire to reach homeostasis. The hands move gently in concert with the changes, and the fingers respond to the changes without any application of force, will, or preconceived routine.

Once the patterns release, the soft tissues are reevaluated to confirm they have normalized and musculoskeletal integrity has improved. Although other approaches may not specifically address soft-tissue patterns, the patterns are affected, since there is contact with the skin as soft tissues are manipulated. The more thorough the method used, the more likely it is that the patterns will be released, allowing for more complete, long-term change.

Because the foundation of UNTIE is sensitivity, it readily deals with the unique patterns of the individual. It is a procedure for working with the body, not on the body.