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Fall Headache Triggers

A change in seasons introduces many new environmental factors that can trigger migraines and headaches, such as cooler weather, changes in barometric pressure and humidity levels, wind, and allergens. Learn about the common headache triggers that overshadow fall.

Is Your Back Killing You at Work?

Here are 5 tips that can help

The work day ends, but the back pain doesn’t. Sitting all day at a computer takes a toll on our backs. Yet, for a large percentage of Americans, sitting in front of a computer sums up their job description. And that work-related back pain that starts out minor can soon become severe, causing problems in all areas of your life.

Muscle Energy Technique

Muscle Energy Technique is a direct, noninvasive manual therapy used to normalize joint dysfunction and increase range of motion. The practitioner evaluates the primary areas of dysfunction in order to place the affected joints in precise positions that enable the client to perform gentle isometric contractions. These directed movements help correct neuromuscular and joint difficulties.

Lymph Drainage Therapy

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) is unique in that health-care professionals learn how to palpate the lymphatic flow. As they develop their skills, they can then identify the rhythm, direction, and quality of the lymphatic flow. Advanced practitioners will be able to precisely map the lymphatic flow to find alternate pathways for drainage.

Developed by Bruno Chikly, MD, Lymph Drainage Therapy evolved from years of training in traditional medicine, Asian medical practices, and manual therapies. (Definition provided by The Upledger Institute.)


Lomilomi—Hawaiian for "rub rub"—is described by teacher Aunty Margaret Machado as “the loving touch—a connection between heart, hand, and soul with the source of all life.” This system of massage utilizes very large, broad movements. Two-handed, forearm, and elbow application of strokes, which cover a broad area, is characteristic of lomilomi. Oils are used in the application of cross-fiber friction techniques.

Holotropic Breathwork

Holotropic means “moving toward wholeness.” Developed by Dr. Stanislav Grof, a psychiatrist working with people in uncommon states of consciousness, and by Christina Grof, a transpersonal teacher, this is a simple, yet powerful technique for self-exploration and healing based on combined insights from modern consciousness research, depth psychology, and perennial spiritual practices.


Movement education and deep-tissue bodywork are the major components of Hellerwork, named for founder Joseph Heller. Emphasizing vertical realignment of the body and release of chronic stress and tension, Hellerwork involves 11 sessions of 1.5 hours each. In each session, one hour is devoted to bodywork and 30 minutes to movement therapy. The therapist also uses dialogue to explore emotional factors that may be contributing to tension in the client’s physical make-up.

Geriatric Massage

Geriatric massage, with its focus on the elderly, addresses the psychological and physiological aspects of aging and its associated diseases. Bodywork, often limited to a shorter time span, is often performed in residential care facilities. Click here to find a geriatric massage practitioner.

Core Structural Integrative Therapy

Originated by George P. Kousaleos, Core is a myofascial, postural, and structural somatic therapy combining massage techniques with client-assisted movement. Normally lasting ten sessions, there are four phases of core body therapy organized according to the level or layer of fascia, muscle, and supporting soft tissues that are manipulated: core massage, core extrinsic, core intrinsic, and core integration.
