Karin Denny

Karin Denny

Karin Denny


With an extensive background in Sports Sciences and Health Management including worksite assessments and ergonomics as well as in Yoga, I finally found my passion in Structural Integration (SI) and Movement Education addressing specific individual needs and restoring a balanced relationship between connective tissues. 

Health is more than the absence of disease - it is the dynamic balance and integration of optimized function in Body, Mind and Spirit. 

in mymy private practice "Intrinsic Body Works" founded in 2012, I utilize SI also known as Rolfing as well as neuromuscular re-education modalities to eliminate harmful compensation patterns and enhance painfree, functional and efficient movement, so that you can:

"Enjoy, Play, Train without Pain! - Align your Body, Your Experience, Your Life...Never stop Growing!

Structural Integration Kinesiology Rolf Method Yoga Movement Education

Karin Denny

Grand Junction, CO