Sarah Warren

Sarah Warren

Sarah Warren


Clinical Somatic Education is a method of sensory-motor education which retrains learned muscular patterns. Most people who are in chronic musculoskeletal pain are doing damage to their bodies because of the way that they habitually stand and move. Clinical Somatic Education works directly with the nervous system to release subconsciously held muscle tension, retrain damaging motor patterns, and adjust proprioception.

Clinical Somatic Education sessions are gentle and comfortable. You do not need to be physically fit or aerobically active. You will be actively participating in the session, consciously engaging in slow, simple movements. Sessions are hands-on, so the practitioner will be touching you to help guide you through the movements.

In your session, the practitioner will work with your individual habitual patterns and areas of chronic muscular tension. Each session will focus on your particular needs, and you will learn movements that you can do at home to take care of yourself on a daily basis. The intention of Clinical Somatic Education is for clients to become fully self-sufficient and not need regular visits.

Movement Therapy Movement Education Bodywork/Movement Education & Somatics

Sarah Warren

Albuquerque, NM