Susan Kansky-Lumb

Susan Kansky-Lumb

Susan Kansky-Lumb




Susan's ability to see and feel energy patterns, and training in assessing structural and visceral patterns, and her experience since 1983 enables her to support her clients in achieving results quickly and effectively. Susan combines a variety of Asian Bodywork Therapies with Medical Qigong healing, Qigong Exercise Therapy, osteopathic based Structural Balancing and Visceral Manipulation. Susan use's an assessment to identify where the issue is coming from and then addresses these blockages and restrictions with gentle, yet effective methods. Susan can teach you self-help bodywork and specific therapeutic exercises to empower you to deepen your healing process on your own. Susan offers Qigong and Tai Qi private lessons, and customized Self-Care programs. 

Susan has over 8,000 hours of post-graduate training in Asian Bodywork, Energy Medicine, Emotional Clearing, and Internal Energy Development with Tai Chi and Qigong, and a degree in Biochemistry, and graduate training in neurobiology and physiology. Her bodywork certifications and training include an Asian Bodywork Therapy 2-year degree and perinatal and infant acupressure. Other training and certifications include: Recall Healing™, Resonance Repatterning®, Energetic Resolution Technique-ERT™, EFT, Matrix Energetics, NES® Health, Food and Chemical Desensitization, Qigong and Tai Chi certified instructor. Susan teaches an EASY™ Tapping method she developed for stress reduction.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Visceral Manipulation Acupressure Positional Release Energy Healing Qigong Tai Chi Zen Shiatsu Tui-Na Acupressure

Susan Kansky-Lumb

Prescott, AZ