Suzan Walker

Suzan Walker

Suzan Walker



Take some time out of your busy schedule to get a great massage today. Receive a massage from a therapist that cares about your health and well being. Always remember the key to a great massage is experience, communication, and compassion.

As humans we need daily interaction, including touch, communication, compassion, love and mutual understanding. If we do not give or receive these essentials we become unhappy as a society. Massage therapy and the healing arts can help bridge that gap. Please consider massage therapy as a necessity in your life.

My office offer's a holistic approach to massage therapy. Emphasizing on deep tissue and sports related injuries. The office caters to those that are seeking pain management. 

The techniques I provide will aide in pain management for all walks of life.

I work on both female and male clients. I do not discriminate by race, gender, religion or weight. Please note this is a professional, holistic and family oriented business, do not contact me for anything other than a massage.

If you have any massage related questions or would like to schedule an appointment you may do so by calling 817-966-1020. All sessions are by appointment. 

Thank you for your business,
Suzan D. Walker 
Texas License MT 104431

Myoskeletal Alignment Technique Myofascial Release Deep Tissue Massage Orthopedic Massage Massage / Holistic Stress Relief Sports Massage Trigger Point Therapy Post-Natal Massage Medical Massage Fibromyalgia Massage Therapy Massage Cupping / Vacuum Cupping Vacuum Cupping Swedish Massage Lymph Drainage Shiatsu Bodywork Energy Healing Craniosacral Therapy Therapeutic Massage Reiki Connective Tissue Massage Reiki Master Energy Work Reflexology

Suzan Walker

3100 W Arkansas Ln Ste 108
Arlington, TX 76016