By Dr. Raj Gupta

Feeling tired is a common complaint people express. Sometimes the self-description morphs into “I feel tired all the time,” and experts say that’s when extreme tiredness becomes better known as fatigue.
Fatigue, when someone lacks energy and feels exhausted mentally or physically, can negatively impact performance at work, family life, and social relationships. Often, it is not a medical issue, but one that can be reversed by a lifestyle change.
“People would be amazed at how much energy they’d have and how much better they’d feel if they treated themselves better,” says Dr. Raj Gupta (, founder of Soul Focus Wellness Center and author of Wellness Center Solution: How Physicians Can Transform Their Practices, Their Income and Their Lives.
“We all have busy lives, but there are simple ways to not let your schedule overwhelm you and make your health suffer as a consequence.”
Stress, Dr. Gupta says, can lead to fatigue symptoms such as a craving for sweets and salty foods, difficulty sleeping and irritability. He suggests five ways to fight fatigue and regain energy:
- Run on the right fuel. A busy lifestyle can lead to fast food or carry-out. Therefore, preparation is important, Dr. Gupta says. “Your energy and production are directly proportional to how you fuel your body,” he says. “Always be thinking about what you will be eating later. Ideally, your diet should consist of eating approximately five times a day with a combination of complex carbohydrates – fruits and veggies – and lean protein.”
- Cut caffeine, add water. Research indicates too much caffeine causes fatigue in some people. The stimulation wears off and more caffeine is needed to produce the feelings of energy and clear-headedness. Dr. Gupta recommends cutting back on all things containing caffeine – coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks. Also, water should be the preferred liquid. “A person is recommended to drink half their weight in ounces per day,” Gupta says. “You can be dehydrated and not even know it.”
- Stop burning the candle on both ends. Dr. Gupta says fatigue is often directly related to sleep deprivation. “When you sleep is when most of your healing takes place,” Gupta says. “Without enough sleep, your immune system breaks down. It’s recommended you get 6-8 hours of sleep per night.”
- Get regular exercise. Gupta stresses that no matter how busy people are, they need to make time for exercise on a regular basis, ideally for 20 to 30-minute sessions a minimum of four times per week. “Regular exercise helps regulate your mood, makes you sleep more soundly and erases the little mistakes in our diet,” Dr. Gupta says.
- Body adjustments. The body can come more alive with a chiropractic alignment that provides proper functioning. “Chiropractic adjustments to the spinal column relieve the pressure of a choked or pinched nerve caused by the rotated vertebra,” Dr. Gupta says. “A chiropractic adjustment increases one’s vitality and turns up their energy.”
“Living life with zest, vitality and complete health is easier than you think,” Dr. Gupta says. “By managing these five simple aspects, one can maintain a healthy, fulfilling life.”